2014 Quiz 8

1. The head coach may receive a yellow or red card for disrespectfully addressing a line judge.

a) True
b) False
2. Prior to each set, the libero tracker enters on the tracking sheet the starting players in the proper service order, when this information is received from the scorer.

a) True
b) False
3. During play, the head coach must remain:

a) 10 feet from the sideline.
b) 6 feet from the sideline.
c) Must remain seated during play.
d) 5 feet from the sideline.
4. When a back-row player in front of the attack line near the net, whose hands are above the height of the net, makes contact with the ball coming from the opponent, it is considered an illegal block.

a) True
b) False
5. At the moment of the serve, all players, including the libero, shall be in correct serving order.

a) True
b) False
6. Which is not a re-serve? After the first referee's signal for serve, the server:

a) Swings and misses and the ball contacts her shoulder.
b) Catches the bad toss.
c) Lets the ball drop to the floor.
d) Swings and misses the tossed ball.
7. A serve is legal when the server bounces the ball off the floor and hits it off the bounce.

a) True
b) False
8. Which of the following hair devices is legal?

a) Unadorned flat barrettes no longer than 2 inches.
b) Headband made of hard plastic.
c) A bobby pin with a soft plastic flower.
d) Beads in the hair.
9. The proper mechanic for Authorization to Enter: Extend one arm, palm forward, on the substitution side, make a sweeping motion toward the respective court.

a) True
b) False
10. The coach of Team S designates the Libero as team captain, and designates player #4 as floor captain.

a) Not specified in the rules.
b) Incorrect procedure.

c) Correct procedure.
11. A point is awarded to Team R if a served ball contacts the antenna.

a) True
b) False
12. When signaling the fault of a fourth contact, the first referee shall:

a) Signal four hits on side of offending team, whistle, signal result of play (point or replay).
b) Whistle, signal result of play (point or replay), signal four hits on side of offending team.
c) None of the above.
d) Whistle, signal four hits on side of offending team, signal result of play (point or replay).
13. It is legal for the libero replacement to take place:

a) After the whistle/signal to serve, but before the ball is contacted.
b) During a dead ball prior to the whistle/signal to serve.
c) All apply.
d) In front of the attack line extended.
14. A match shall be declared a forfeit when:

a) No authorized school personnel is present to assume responsibility for the team when the head coach is ejected.
b) There are only five eligible players for the final set.
c) A team uses three timeouts.
d) A player receives his/her second misconduct penalty.
15. A foul is called when a back-row player attempts to block a ball and no contact is made.

a) True
b) False
16. Illegal alignment occurs when, at the moment of serve, both hands of CB are closer to the center line than the feet of CF.

a) True
b) False
17. The non-Libero players for a team are wearing jerseys that are green on the top half and white on the bottom half. Which of the following describes a legal libero uniform?

a) The libero's jersey is primarily green with white trim on the side.
b) None of these libero jerseys are legal.
c) The libero's jersey is white on the top half and green on the bottom half.
d) The libero's jersey is primarily white with green trim on the side.
18. A written lineup must be submitted in proper serving order.

a) True
b) False
19. The timer should start the clock prior to the deciding set:

a) When the winning point is awarded for the fourth set.
b) After the teams go to their respective benches.
c) When the R2 gives instructions to do so.
d) When the R1 completes the coin toss and the R2 gives instructions to do so.
20. After a time-out, it is legal for a libero replacement to take place after both teams are on the floor provided it is not a second replacement during the same dead ball.

a) True
b) False
21. A point is awarded to Team S when the RF on Team R grasps the standard for support to avoid going under the net.

a) True
b) False
22. Any action other than a block or serve that directs the ball toward the opponents court is:

a) Ace
b) Set
c) Dig
d) Attack
23. All panels of the volleyball shall be solid white or a maximum combination of three colors with one-third being white.

a) True
b) False
24. A team shall be awarded a substitution prior to the start of the set if the coach wants a different player in the set.

a) True
b) False.
25. During the game the second referee may determine, then notify the first referee of unsporting conduct violations by players, coaches or other team personnel.

a) True
b) False
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