2015 Quiz 8

1. An unnecessary delay is NOT charged to the offending team when a:

a) Substitution is denied by the second referee after the request has been recognized because the substitution is illegal or a substitute is wearing illegal equipment/uniform.
b) Substitution is delayed.
c) None of these.
d) Team repeatedly uses an improper substitution.
2. When a set is in progress and a forfeit is necessary, the offending team receives its acquired points and the opponent is awarded the sufficient number of points to win the set with a two-point advantage.

a) True
b) False
3. A ball is out of bounds in all of the following except when it:

a) Touches a team member located in the bench area.
b) Touches the net antennas.
c) Touches a non-team member who is interfering with a player's legitimate effort to play the ball.
d) Touches the floor completely outside the court's boundary lines.
4. During a time-out, substitutes from the same team must report at the same time.

a) True
b) False
5. When a player on the court receives a yellow card, the head coach must remain seated for the rest of the match.

a) True
b) False
6. It is legal when:

a) An injured Libero is replaced by a redesignated Libero during the same set.
b) There are two Liberos in the set.
c) The Libero enters the set at right front.
d) All are legal.
7. When signaling the fault of a fourth contact, the First Referee shall:

a) Whistle, signal result of play, signal four hits on side of offending team.
b) Signal four hits on side of offending team, whistle, signal result of play.
c) Whistle, signal result of play.
d) Whistle, signal four hits on side of offending team, signal result of play.
8. The ball remains in play when the CF on Team R blocks a spike sending the ball straight into the air over Team R's court and the CF plays the ball next.

a) True
b) False
9. During any dead ball, the playing captain may request the following for his/her team:

a) Timeout.
b) Verification of serving order.
c) Verification of timeouts used.
d) The captain may request all of the these.
10. Which of the following may attend the captains' meeting before the deciding set?

a) Exactly one captain from each team.
b) Any captain other than the Libero.
c) Home team captain only.
d) Multiple team captains from each team.
11. Which of the following is NOT considered potential screening?

a) A player on the serving team with his/her arms raised shoulder height.
b) A player on the serving team purposely blocking his/her opponent's line of sight to the server.
c) Three players on the serving team standing at the net shoulder to shoulder.
d) A player on the serving team moving back and forth in front of the receiving team.
12. Each Line Judge shall assist the First Referee and Second Referee by:

a) The Line Judge shall assist with all of the these.
b) Indicating when the serve, or any played ball, crosses the net not entirely between the net antennas.
c) Indicating when a player touches a ball that has gone out of bounds.
d) Indicating whether a ball is inbounds or out of bounds when it lands near lines that are their responsibility.
13. An illegal libero replacement for the serving team is discovered in the set. Any points known to have been scored during the term of service in which the illegal replacement is discovered in the set are cancelled.

a) True
b) False
14. The Libero sets a ball using overhead finger action in front of the attack line to the right front, who completes an attack while the ball is completely above the height of the net. The official signals illegal attack.

a) True
b) False
15. A second consecutive time-out requested prior to the start of a set/match shall be granted.

a) True
b) False
16. Illegal alignment occurs when, at the moment of serve, LB is nearer the center line than the LF.

a) True
b) False
17. Although not required, vertical tape markers may be used and, when used, the net antennas shall be affixed to the inside edge of the marker in line with the inside edge of the sideline.

a) True
b) False
18. A team is allowed a maximum of 18 substitutions per set, which also includes any Libero replacements.

a) True
b) False
19. The Libero:

a) May serve anytime he/she is in right back position.
b) Will be allowed to serve in one position in the serving order.
c) Will not be allowed to serve.
d) Will be allowed to serve for both middle blockers.
20. The Second Referee is not required to:

a) Verify the score at the end of the match.
b) Check the lineup card prior to each set.
c) Touch the net and signal net serve.
d) Determine hand/foot faults at the center line.
21. A replay may be declared when:

a) There is a double fault during a live ball.
b) There are conflicting calls that the referee cannot resolve.
c) A Timer's audio signal interrupts play.
d) A replay may be called in all of these situations.
22. A block may not involve wrist action, as this is considered prolonged contact.

a) True
b) False
23. The home team may provide a multicolor-paneled ball meeting all requirements for construction, size, etc. and displaying the NFHS Authenticating Mark for match competition.

a) True
b) False
24. Which is illegal?

a) A player wearing a 2 inch metal clip in her hair.
b) A player wearing bobby pins.
c) Hair tied back with a 2 inch wide ribbon.
d) A player wearing a decorated barrette covered with tape.
25. Second referee's equipment shall include:

a) Whistle, game ball and ball gauge.
b) Whistle, lineup card, pen/pencil, coin, watch, yellow and red cards.
c) Whistle, line judges flags, ball gauge and scoresheets.
d) Whistle, lineup card and floor tape.
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