Volleyball Quiz4

1. A back-row player (on or in front of the attack line) cannot contact the ball completely above the height of the net to complete an attack.

a) True
b) False
2. A spectator becomes unruly to a point of disrupting the game. The first referee:

a) Do nothing - allow play to continue.
b) Gives a yellow card to the head coach for whom the fan is yelling.
c) Suspends the game until host management resolves the situation.
d) Approaches the spectator and tells him to leave the facility.
3. Any undergarment worn under the uniform top that is exposed must be of a single color similar to the predominant color or the uniform top.

a) True
b) False
4. The timer shall time the interval between sets (three minutes) beginning when the first referee signals the teams to report to the appropriate team benches.

a) True
b) False
5. The proper Ready to Play signal is: While standing on the receiving side, hold both hands open at shoulder height, facing R1.

a) True
b) False
6. A line judge shall position him/herself in line with the end line to watch for foot faults when the server serves from the left third of the service area.

a) True
b) False
7. Which is legal? A substitute from Team S attempts to enter the set wearing:

a) A thick layer of sweatbands on the forearm.
b) A flexible plastic support on her forearm.
c) A cast on her hand which is padded.
8. A fan sitting on the bottom row of the bleachers reaches out to stop the ball from hitting another fan interfering with a player's legitimate effort to play the ball. Which of the following is the correct procedure?

a) Penalize the home team with unnecessary delay of game.
b) Call a replay since there was a player able to make a play on the ball.
c) Give the home coach an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for allowing fan to sit on the bottom row of the bleachers.
d) Award a point loss of rally to the opponents since the fan is in a nonplayable area.
9. The libero, when used, cannot be the team captain.

a) True
b) False
10. A coach has 30 seconds to decide whether or not to substitute for an injured player.

a) True
b) False
11. A loss of rally/point is awarded to Team R if Team S’s setter recovers a ball hit into the net outside the antenna.

a) True
b) False
12. Unnecessary delay is not called for the following situation:

a) An illegal substitute enters or attempts to enter the game.
b) A coach/captain makes excessive requests for the serving order.
c) A team requests a timeout in a game after it has taken its allotted timeouts.
d) A foreign object enters the proximity of the playing area.
13. The home team may provide a multicolor-paneled ball meeting all requirements for construction, size, etc. and displaying the NFHS Authenticating Mark for match competition.

a) True
b) False
14. A loss of rally /point is awarded to the serving team when Team R's #2 blocks the serve.

a) True
b) False
15. Prior to each set, the libero tracker enters on the tracking sheet the starting players in the proper service order, when this information is received from the scorer.

a) True
b) False
16. It is legal for team members to leave their seats on the bench to react spontaneously to an outstanding play by players of their own team.

a) True
b) False
17. A loss of rally/point is awarded to Team S when the RF on Team R grasps the standard for support to avoid going under the net.

a) True
b) False
18. The Second Referee shall blow the whistle when the team that has called a time-out breaks early and is ready to play.

a) True
b) False
19. A player exhibiting signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion may return to play:

a) With parent approval to the coach.
b) In the next set.
c) After being cleared by an appropriate healthcare professional.
d) Wearing approved headgear.
20. Taping of the finger(s) and hand(s) is allowed:

a) Over "skids".
b) On individual fingers.
c) Excessive across palm(s).
d) To cover splints.
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