Volleyball Quiz6

1. A coach is permitted to question an official's judgment call.

a) True
b) False
2. A re-serve is awarded when:

a) The server releases the ball for service, swings and misses the tossed ball, which contacts the servers shoulder.
b) S3 touches the net after the server releases the ball for service.
c) The server releases the ball for service then catches it or lets it drop to the floor.
d) The server commits a foot foul.
3. The ball is out of bounds if it touches a wall.

a) True
b) False
4. When a back-row player who is close to the net and whose hands are above the height of the net, makes contact with the ball that is coming from the opponent, it is considered an illegal block.

a) True
b) False
5. Which of the following is incorrect for the R1's responsibilities?

a) Have a timing device.
b) Have a penalty card.
c) Have a line-up card.
d) Have a whistle.
6. The second referee is not required to:

a) Verify the score at the end of the match.
b) Touch the net and signal net serve.
c) Determine hand/foot faults at the center line.
d) Check the lineup card prior to each set.
7. A loss of rally/point is awarded to Team R if the server steps on, but not over, the end line at the instant the ball is contacted for serve.

a) True
b) False
8. A loss of rally point is awarded to the serving team when Team R's #1 receives a red card for unsporting conduct.

a) True
b) False
9. A libero not designated on the lineup sheet for set No. 2 is allowed to enter the game after the opponent is awarded a penalty point.

a) True
b) False
10. Which is a replay? Team A's first hit by LF is a softly looping ball which strikes a backboard hanging in a vertical position over:

a) Team S's court only.
b) Non-playable area above the bleachers.
c) Team S's CB is in position to make the team's second hit.
d) Team S's court or playable area behind Team S's court.
11. The Libero is injured during set 1. Which of the following cannot take place?

a) Any sub may be the re-designated Libero and can wear the team jersey.
b) Libero Replacement.
c) Original Libero can return next set.
d) Choose to finish set without Libero.
12. It is within the First Referee's authority to administer a yellow card to the coach who repeatedly disrespects his/her own players.

a) True
b) False
13. Any player who gets angry at the official’s call and leaves the court and bench area shall receive a:

a) Red card.
b) Yellow card.
c) Pay no attention.
d) Verbal warning.
14. Nonplaying team members, on the team bench, must be seated except for specific situations outlined by the rule book.

a) True
b) False
15. The second referee is responsible for determining if screening by players on the serving team has occurred at the moment of contact of the serve.

a) True
b) False
16. The proper mechanic for Unnecessary Delay: Both hands on hips, then indicate court of the offending team, followed by penalty signal.

a) True
b) False
17. The libero may legally attempt to block a ball.

a) True
b) False
18. Which is unnecessary delay?

a) All of the below.
b) A team does not confer at the team bench or court area.
c) A coach does not make a decision about an injured player within 30 seconds.
d) An illegal substitute enter or attempts to enter the set.
19. In Florida, an official may work a non-varsity match in which his daughter/son is participating.

a) True
b) False
20. The serving area may extend into the court to whatever distance necessary to provide the minimum 6-foot depth required and be marked accordingly.

a) True
b) False
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