Volleyball Quiz8

1. Which of the following should NOT be whistled as a net violation?

a) Ball driven into the net, causing the net to touch an opponent.
b) Insignificant contact with the net during a fake hit.
c) A player accidentally pushed into the net by a teammate.
d) Insignificant contact with the net by the uniform while attempting a block.
2. Artificial noise makers are only allowed to be used:

a) Not allowed at all.
b) Between games.
c) During warm ups.
d) During dead balls.
3. A line judge shall indicate when a serve or any played ball crosses the net not entirely between the antennas.

a) True
b) False
4. If the libero is issued a red card or disqualified while playing, then:

a) The team continues play with no libero for the game.
b) She must be replaced by another libero.
c) She may be replaced by any player.
d) She must be replaced by a player that hasn’t played.
5. A back-row player, on or in front of the attack line, cannot legally contact a ball that is completely above the height of the net to complete an attack.

a) True
b) False
6. The coach of Team S designates the Libero as team captain, and designates player #4 as floor captain.

a) Not specified in the rules.
b) Correct procedure.
c) Incorrect procedure.
7. The Libero Tracker shall notify the Second Referee if the Libero does not sit out one rally between replacements, unless the Libero is replacing the server.

a) True
b) False
8. Multiple contacts during one attempt to play the ball are permitted on any first team hit.

a) True
b) False
9. The libero tracker shall notify the first referee if the libero does not remain out of the set for one rally between replacements unless replacing the right back and immediately serving next.

a) True
b) False
10. A loss of rally/point is awarded to Team R if the LF on Team S plays a ball that is completely past the plane of the centerline extended.

a) True
b) False
11. Teams must proceed immediately to their respective team benches when directed to do so by the First Referee.

a) True
b) False
12. Just prior to the start of set 1, the coach of Team A substitutes for one of the listed starters.

a) No penalty but listed starter must begin the game.
b) Legal.
c) Unnecessary delay.
d) Point for Team B.
13. Which of the following is incorrect for the R1's responsibilities?

a) Have a line-up card.
b) Have a penalty card.
c) Have a timing device.
d) Have a whistle.
14. A net foul is called when a player:

a) The net is pushed into a player by a hard driven spike.
b) Contacts the bottom net cable outside the antennae.
c) A blocker's ponytail hits the net as she turns her head.
d) A ball hit into the net runs along the net and hits the antennae.
15. Team R libero #2 replaces #5 and is on the court. Team R wins the rally and rotates, moving the libero to the LF position. Player #5 replaces the libero and the opponent calls a time-out. It is legal at the end of the time-out for Team R libero #2 to replace #8 in the CB position.

a) True
b) False
16. The proper mechanic for Authorization to Enter: Extend one arm, palm forward, on the substitution side, make a sweeping motion toward the respective court.

a) True
b) False
17. A player may use a Velcro strap to shorten the sleeve of his/her uniform provided the number remains clearly visible.

a) True
b) False
18. The ball remains in play when a player completely crosses the out-of-bounds extension of the center line after playing a ball which has not completely crossed the plane of the net extended provided he/she does not interfere with the opponent.

a) True
b) False
19. A head coach may stand in the libero replacement zone to instruct his or her players during play.

a) True
b) False
20. At the pre-match conference, the head coach shall verbally verify that all of his/her players are wearing legal uniforms and equipment.

a) True
b) False
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