Volleyball Quiz9

1. During the referee's or team time out(s) teams may confer with their coaches only on their court or at their team bench. Which of the following is incorrect procedure if the team does not comply?

a) Unnecessary delay is applied.
b) None of the Above.
c) Team may use a third time out.
d) If the team has used their two time outs then a loss of rally/point is awarded.
2. A back-row player may fake an attack when positioned in front of the attack line.

a) True
b) False
3. Illegal alignment occurs when, at the moment of serve, the CF is nearer the back line and the left sideline than the LB.

a) True
b) False
4. The libero can:

a) Attempt to block.
b) Underhand pass to set a ball to a teammate when on or in front of the attack line.
c) Stand in front of the bench waiting until a loss of rally to enter the game.
d) Wear a light gray shirt when the predominant team jersey is white.
5. Where shall the line judges report during timeouts?

a) On the end line in the middle of the court.
b) Stay in respective corners.
c) In the bleachers or spectator area.
d) On first referee sideline at the intersection of attack line.
6. A written lineup must be submitted in proper serving order.

a) True
b) False
7. During any dead ball, the playing captain may request the following for his/her team:

a) Timeout.
b) All of the these.
c) Verification of timeouts used.
d) Verification of serving order.
8. Which is legal? A player from Team A:

a) Makes a save while sitting on a scorer's table with no contact with the floor or any playable are on her side of the net.
b) After making a legal play on a ball enters a non-playable area or saves the ball with one foot in a playable area and one foot in a non-playable area.
c) Only enters a non-playable area after making a legal play.
d) Moves a curtain divider that is more than 6 feet from the court to play the ball.
9. It is illegal for the CB to stand directly in front of the server and the ball travels over her head in a low trajectory with Team R's CB being forced to move to see the serve.

a) True
b) False
10. Non-playing team members may stand at the end of the bench to watch the game, provided they do not interfere with play.

a) True
b) False
11. The official timer shall time each injury time-out, charged time-out and intervals between games.

a) True
b) False
12. The ruling on a let serve is to:

a) Continue play.
b) Lower the net.
c) Side out/Point.
d) Replay.
13. Yellow cards, red cards, and disqualifications must be recorded in the Comments section of the score sheet.

a) True
b) False
14. Which is legal? At the moment of serve, LF on team R has:

a) One hand on and over the center line.
b) One foot extending over the sideline not touching the floor.
c) One foot on but not beyond the sidelines OR one foot extending over the sideline not touching the floor.
d) One foot touching the floor outside the sideline.
15. The Libero Tracker shall record the numbers of the starting players on the libero tracking sheet.

a) True
b) False
16. Which of the following is legal for a player to wear?

a) A reflective, sparkling headband 1 1/2 inches wide.
b) Metal charms.
c) Face paint.
d) A flat metal barrette 2 1/2 inches long.
17. The following personnel must be present at the pre-game conference:

a) First Referee, captains and head coaches from both teams.
b) First Referee, Second Referee, captains and head coaches from both teams.
c) First Referee, Second Referee, captains and coaches from both teams.
d) First Referee, Second Referee and captains from both teams.
18. After a time-out, it is legal for a libero replacement to take place after both teams are on the floor provided it is not a second replacement during the same dead ball.

a) True
b) False
19. The line judges shall assist the First Referee and Second Referee (when asked) by indicating when the ball touches an overhead obstruction, if out of the view of the officials.

a) True
b) False
20. Player #12 goes to serve. First Referee whistles and beckons for the serve. The server bounces the ball several times, and the ball hits off her foot. The ball bounces a distance from the server. Player scampers after the ball, returns to the service area and serves before five seconds have elapsed:

a) First Referee signals side out (five second rule).
b) First Referee whistle for re-serve.
c) Play continues
d) First Referee signals side out (failure to serve correctly).
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